Thursday, March 8, 2012


Well, the past 4 ½ months have passed by faster than I thought they would have.  We haven’t done a very good job at updating the blog to keep everyone informed on the progress.  I guess we used Facebook for that.   It is 12:22 AM (so I guess technically it is 3/8/12).  I have been up packing my bags and do not have a lot of faith that I would sleep even if I went to bed, so I decided to update the blog and keep a record of the pickup trip just like we did on the court trip.  I am getting up at 6:00, and headed to the airport to return to Ghana.  This trip will be a little different than the last.  I will be going with my Father (Grandpa John) instead of Jenny.  Last week Jenny and I returned from a nice cruise in the Caribbean where we went to Jamaica, Grand Cayman, and Mexico.  We loved the trip but felt that to leave the kids with Grandmas and Grandpas another week without any correspondence from Mom and Dad would not be a good idea.  So when we announced that Jenny was going to stay home, I invited my father and was surprised at how he immediately jumped on the idea.  He has spent the last month preparing for the trip.  He, like us, had to go get all his foreign travel immunization shots, get a Visa for Ghana and try to get ready for this experience.  I am very excited for my father to experience what I experienced the last trip.  I still have a deep love and appreciation for the children of GMI. (The orphanage) 

Since we left Ghana last fall, we have taken the opportunity many times to Skype and talk with the children.  Delight is so excited for us to come she can’t even contain herself when we call.  Courage is also very excited for us to get down there and bring him home.  I am so full of emotions, excited, scared, and nervous, all at the same time.  I will try to continue to write each night like we did last trip.  I better finish packing.  I will continue from Ghana…

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